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Welcome to the faithxwtf podcast, where curiosity & christianity collide. Hi! I'm Erin, your host & guide as we all work to find answers to questions we didn't know we could ask.

episode 00. - trailer

Welcome to the faithxwtf podcast, where curiosity & christianity collide. Hi! I'm Erin, your host & guide as we all work to find answers to questions we didn't know we could ask.

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So, How Do I Do This - text

So, How Do I Do This?

February 16, 20242 min read

I was recently invited to be on Jude Mills' podcast, "Fkd Up By Faith" Check out the episode below!


In case you didn't make it to the end, I was invited to close our time together with a song or poem. I was a bit unprepared to sing at the moment, so I chose to read this piece, titled "So...How Do I Do This", which begins right around the 36:00 mark

While it doesn't quite hit the same when written, I've provided the transcript of the poem, itself, below!

So...How Do I Do This?

So, how do I do this, I asked? 
Which parts of me are acceptable for this task?
Which pieces of my soul do I bare in your name?
What parts of my story do I air out for your glory and fame?

I’ve wrestled with this thought, we’ve gone back and forth for years;
I still remember the night I was curled up in tears
Not sure what was happening or if others thought I was insane
I just knew after that night I would never be the same

I can’t run away from my past, that’s true
But I can turn it over to you
To add to it so it can blossom and bloom into
Something that draws the nations to you

So take all of my shards.
My shrapnel
My slivers
And work your magic to turn them to
Gold and silver
To add to the shimmer and shine
You had in mind
When I first showed up in your eye

So, how do I do this, I asked?
Which parts of me are acceptable for this task?

"Bring all the parts I made, no matter how broken or bruised. 
Even the parts you don’t think I made, yup! Bring those too. 
Give them over to me and we’ll make them into
Something that’s good, as I created you."

God said bring it all. It’s all for my glory. 
The good, the bad. The bloody, and gory
Bring everything you’ve got; please, beloved, don’t worry. 
This is just the beginning; there’s more to your story

blog author image

Erin Mieskowski

Erin helps individuals, organizations, and churches create authentic spaces and space for authenticity. As a queer, neurodivergent multipotentialite entrepreneur, Erin uses her intersecting marginalizations to help support her clients in creating mutually-inclusive cross-cultural spaces. Erin has a bachelor’s degree in vocal music, master's degree in adult education & leadership, and spent their career educating and encouraging authenticity, identity, and purpose in adults and emerging adults. If you’d like Erin to work with you, or church, or your organization, contact her at erinmieskowski.com

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So, How Do I Do This - text

So, How Do I Do This?

February 16, 20242 min read

I was recently invited to be on Jude Mills' podcast, "Fkd Up By Faith" Check out the episode below!


In case you didn't make it to the end, I was invited to close our time together with a song or poem. I was a bit unprepared to sing at the moment, so I chose to read this piece, titled "So...How Do I Do This", which begins right around the 36:00 mark

While it doesn't quite hit the same when written, I've provided the transcript of the poem, itself, below!

So...How Do I Do This?

So, how do I do this, I asked? 
Which parts of me are acceptable for this task?
Which pieces of my soul do I bare in your name?
What parts of my story do I air out for your glory and fame?

I’ve wrestled with this thought, we’ve gone back and forth for years;
I still remember the night I was curled up in tears
Not sure what was happening or if others thought I was insane
I just knew after that night I would never be the same

I can’t run away from my past, that’s true
But I can turn it over to you
To add to it so it can blossom and bloom into
Something that draws the nations to you

So take all of my shards.
My shrapnel
My slivers
And work your magic to turn them to
Gold and silver
To add to the shimmer and shine
You had in mind
When I first showed up in your eye

So, how do I do this, I asked?
Which parts of me are acceptable for this task?

"Bring all the parts I made, no matter how broken or bruised. 
Even the parts you don’t think I made, yup! Bring those too. 
Give them over to me and we’ll make them into
Something that’s good, as I created you."

God said bring it all. It’s all for my glory. 
The good, the bad. The bloody, and gory
Bring everything you’ve got; please, beloved, don’t worry. 
This is just the beginning; there’s more to your story

blog author image

Erin Mieskowski

Erin helps individuals, organizations, and churches create authentic spaces and space for authenticity. As a queer, neurodivergent multipotentialite entrepreneur, Erin uses her intersecting marginalizations to help support her clients in creating mutually-inclusive cross-cultural spaces. Erin has a bachelor’s degree in vocal music, master's degree in adult education & leadership, and spent their career educating and encouraging authenticity, identity, and purpose in adults and emerging adults. If you’d like Erin to work with you, or church, or your organization, contact her at erinmieskowski.com

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